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P R O G R A M M E D   M A I N T E N A N C E

Global Facilities Maintenance provides Programmed Maintenance Services to not only the food and beverage industries but for various industries and customers throughout Australia to ensure facilities run at optimal levels all year round.


We work with clients to an agreed scope of works to ensure all requirements and needs are meet.


Global already performs servicing across a wide range of customer locations and equipment and are ideally placed to provide a high quality, consistent and cost effective solution to the equipment maintenance requirements of any asset portfolio.


The skill of our technicians combined with our ongoing training and back-end systems ensures customers get high quality solutions that provide a lower ‘whole of life’ cost across any asset portfolio.


Global’s I-Pad based customer management system enables our technicians to capture:


  • Real time time stamps on each activity undertaken

  • Actual activity performed by technicians

  • Parts usage (as well as inventory management and parts availability)

  • Asset numbers / names / types being worked on

  • Financial tracking of each job

  • Capturing of job specific notes as well as audit / inspection results

  • Access to schematic, wiring, mechanical and other product specific documentation to support the technicians

  • Real time and historical reporting and analysis

  • Identification of costly repeat-failure assets that are better replaced than repaired​

Contact us today to discuss your Programmed Maintenance requirements.

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